Concierge at Broadmoor Hotel
Good morning friends, last night after our lovely finale event, delicious dinner, and the fascinating guest speaker that is an Author of a forward thinking book that was given to the business group. My husband and I went back to our hotel room to have a good night‘s rest because we had an early flight this morning. Once we opened the door there was a handwritten card addressed to me with a bright colorful jewelry bag and a figurine of the majestic @Broadmoor Hotel on the TV console. I opened the envelope and this is the card pictured below I read. Friends it touched my heart. Roxana helped me the whole trip because I had no idea what this history filled hotel and breathtaking Colorado Springs had to offer. Being from Alabama for 42 years and being blessed with the most friendly and hospitable parents I was taught to be kind from my precious mama and not be afraid to ask questions from the smartest man I’ve ever known, my precious daddy. Roxana helped in countless ways to arrange very limited activities due to popularity with a gracious smile. I found out Roxana who is very young just moved to Colorado Springs from Mexico ONE week ago. She has no family in Colorado and came here to go to work. I know us loving decor friends want to know what my colorful pretty jewelry bag had inside. It is Brighton sterling silver delicate bee earrings studs. I was in awe once I saw the earrings because the bee is significant. There is a pub on property named the Golden Bee. The pub originated in 1910’s when this incredible hotel was built. This is truly a thoughtful gift. Friends it is most definitely a small world after all and even though it’s hard to find the beauty each day I’m reminded from scripture to have hope.